Aww, you feel triggered. You probably also believe that climate change is a hoax and vaccinations are bad for you. Ok, let’s chat.
First, the fact that there is a full piece explaining the many historical and cultural reasons why you shouldn’t call people of color “monkeys”, and then you focus the majority of your rant (I dare not say criticism on the strength that criticisms are usually well thought out and this reads like you were screaming over your FOX news into your computer) on a) Me addressing White People (despite the fact that White People are the perpetrators and progenitors of the monkey trope) and b) calling my people and myself monkeys. Name calling is just immature and best and makes you look racist at worst (although, by the way you said it, I doubt appearing racist is an actual concern to you.)
Secondly, sweetie pie, if you’re going to post random facts and figures, you should include where you got your research from, otherwise it looks like you’re pulling out random numbers from the sky. For example: did you know that only 42% of the violent crime tracked by BJS was reported to police? And that over-policing of predominantly Black Communities leads to what appears to be higher rates of violence, meanwhile predominantly White Communities experience less policing and often way less reported crimes?(
Come back when you’ve got some data and we can talk like grown ups, you adorable troll.